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This is not one group of bands that drumernya Didi Riyadi collaborate with Autocad: D. Rather, the functions on autocad that will look right this program is run. Like the menu bar menus, toolbars, drawing area and others. Here is more explanation about the element-element AutoCAD:

MENU BAR is a bar menu that contains functions for using AutoCAD. In the menu bar there are a variety of AutoCAD commands for drawing purposes, change the settings, store and display image files, and so forth.

TOOLBAR It contains buttons for AutoCAD commands can be used quickly. Toolbar is a standard feature of Windows. In calling either for the purpose of drawing commands, editing or pengunbahan settings, you can click on the Toolbar representing respective commands.

STATUS BAR is the row that contains information about the status (snap, grid, ortho, polar, osnap, otrack, dyn, via and model).
Drawing AREA is the area where the appearance of images, drawing and
editing images in a drawing done in this area.
SNAP is a cursor in AutoCAD. Snap indicate the position of actuating the mouse in the drawing area, where the position is a snap, you can make the determination of drawing points, the selection of an image object or image editing.

UCS ICON is a symbol that shows the direction of coordinate axis depiction. In the 2D drawing X coordinate axis direction is always facing to the right for positive values, and facing to the left negative values. While the Y axis is facing up to a positive value, and face down to negative values. The direction of these coordinates can be changed as needed in the depiction of 3D using the UCS command, because changing the direction of the coordinates is an important presence in the 3D drawing. To avoid confusion with the direction and no one in the drawing, then the existence of the UCS Icon is very important as kooordinat directions.

COMMAND LINE Auto CAD is a command line, where in the command line you can enter commands AutoCAD.
SCROLL BAR is a facility to roll the layer horizontally or vertically.

2 Response to " "

  1. Muhammad Amin says:
    20 Oktober 2010 pukul 20.06

    Can Learning autocad to you comrade

  2. Indahna sebuah Kebersamaan says:
    13 Desember 2010 pukul 03.20

    mantav gan blogx

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